Bowtrol Colon Cleanser Ingredients
Cascara Sagrada:
Cascara Sagrada is considered a very mild and effective natural, herbal laxative.
It does not cause any dependency so when discontinued the positive effects
derived from its use will remain, without the need to continue usage to get
the same results. It is derived from bark and is native to the North American
continent. It readily grows in the region from British Columbia to Washington
state. The bark is collected in early spring and summer, when it is easily
peeled from the wood. It is then dried in the shade and aged for at least
a year before it is processed for use.
Cascara Sagrada facilitates evacuation and normal stool function while conditioning
the muscles in the intestinal tract. It promotes proper hormone levels controlled
by the pituitary and also has a positive effect on the gallbladder, liver
and the pancreas.

Turkey Rhubarb:
Turkey Rhubarb has powerful properties as an intestinal cleanser. This herb
considerably reduces occasional constipation and small dosages have been safely
used for hundreds of years to assist in digestion. Turkey Rhubarb cleans the
colon and intestinal lymph system, removing accumulated waste and decaying
fecal matter as well as congested mucous.

Bentonite Clay:
Bentonite is a clay that can safely be ingested. It absorbs water to form
a gel and thereby works as a mild laxative and regulatory agent. The absorbing
water bentonite essentially ‘traps’ toxins into the gel it forms and helps
to carry them out of your body without giving the body the chance to absorb
these potentially substances. When using bentonite it is advised to try and
ingest more fluids to compensate for some of the water that is absorbed by
this ingredient.

Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra):
Slippery Elm is considered a digestive soother and detoxifier. It calms mucus
membranes, the stomach and intestines. Slippery elm coats and soothes tissues,
helping to protect them by drawing out irritants and toxic substances. It
also helps to soothe by stimulating nerve endings in the stomach and intestines
which in turn, results in the secretion of mucous fluids. Slippery elm absorbs
toxins from the bowels and thereby balances the intestinal flora while reducing
occasional constipation.

Aloe has been known to contain health properties for thousands of years, even
the ancient Egyptians used it frequently and called it “the plant of immortality”.
Aloe originally was native to the African continent. It found it’s way to
North America and can now be found growing ‘natively’ in warm climates including
the desert southwest of the U.S. and Mexico.

Flax Seeds:
Flax seeds are known to promote good health; aside from it being good for
your heart it also promotes a healthy digestive system. Flax seeds also alleviates
occasional constipation.

Senna contains compounds called hydroxyanthracene
glycosides, which are also known as sennosides. These stimulate the
colon by increasing smooth muscle contractions and thereby aid in the
regulation of your bowels, as such they have a laxative effect. Senna
also stimulates more fluid secretion by the colon which softens the
stool and thereby facilitates its passage, which in turn allows you to
become more regular.

Wormseed detoxifies the intestinal tract unwanted organisms that are present
without eliminating the bacterial flora that is actually beneficial to your
digestion It also helps in the regulation of bowel movements, effectively
helps reduce occasional constipation and diarrhea.

Black Seeds:
Black seeds contain a high concentration of dietary fiber and have been widely
used to promote bowel health. It also works with the other ingredients to
remove toxins from the digestive system and effectively regulate normal bowel

Olive Leaf Extract:
Olive leaf extract sooths the intestinal tract and stomach. It has a soothing
effect and regulates bowel movements while eliminating toxins from the body.
The active ingredient contained in olive leaf extract is called oleuropein.
Thyme Oil Powder:
Thyme oil has several potent medical benefits, it is a purifying agent and
has a calming effect on the bowels.

Garlic Extract 12:1:
Garlic is a natural purifier and Garlic Extract that supports immune health.
It aids in the regulation of the intestines by promoting better flora and
optimal health.

Certified Organic Cloves:
Certified organic cloves eliminate unwanted organisms from the digestive system,
regulate smooth muscle function and breaks up bowel obstruction. This herb
also promotes cleansing to optimize bowel function.

Peppermint (Piperita
Mint plants have a long history of medicinal use, dating to ancient Egypt,
Greece, and Rome. It is a stimulant, and helps digestive system disorders
by stimulating the production of bile, an essential digestive fluid, which
helps in soothing the lining of the digestive tract.